A restaurant client of ours runs several different initiatives – store visits, online ordering (and within that – general online orders and catering) and even promoting a sister restaurant. Google recently released its Conversion Action Sets, a way to optimize multiple campaigns to multiple goals, and we thought Client would be the perfect account to benefit from it.
Use Conversion Action Sets to scale online orders and store visits without increasing cost per order.
Not all conversions are created equally when running multiple initiatives concurrently. To get the most value out of our campaigns, we first segmented category search campaigns based on their goals, then assigned the relevant Conversion Actions to each campaign/set of campaigns and optimized toward the new CAs.
Through our specially optimized campaigns, we were able to drive consistent Search volume at scale – traffic increased +80% while CPA remained flat.
We’re excited about what Conversion Action Sets can allow us to do from a reporting standpoint, but also about what is means in terms of shaping strategy. For example, we can better take advantage of custom messaging through specific campaigns with unique goals. Let’s say Restaurant Client wanted to run a promotion for dine-in only orders. We’d put that ad in campaigns that were optimizing toward store visits, allowing our online order campaigns to continue to run their best lives.