Name: Grant Zerbe
Title: Marketing Analyst
How long have you been a camper here at Net Conversion?
Just about two years – well over two years, my anniversary was this past June.
What’s your favorite NC memory?
Two Holiday parties ago, when we were this large caravan of NC people all walking into Fiddler’s Green in Winter Park. A coworker brought a bunch of balloons into the place to decorate and hit everyone in her path with them. It was hilarious.
Can you describe yourself in 3 words?
Driven, loyal, and honest. My friends always say I’m very loyal and honest.
Where is the best place to eat in Downtown Orlando, in your opinion?
The Robinson – the chicken sandwich (so good). Actually, they just switched their recipe for it, so now I have to find a new chicken sandwich.
Do you have any secret talents?
I can juggle anything, only three at a time. In college, my friends and I wanted to learn and thought we could make money from it. We didn’t make money.
“Can you teach me?”
(I did not do well)
What was the coolest place you’ve ever visited?
Bogota, Colombia. I went on a solo trip to see Sebastian (one of the remote analysts at NC). It was my first time out of the country, and it was so fun; only $400 round-trip. I went paragliding for $4 and stayed in the nicest Airbnb for $10 a day; it was a great time.
If you could trade lives with any fictional character, who would it be and why?
Spider-Man. I dressed up as him for a few Halloweens. I used to have Spider-Man themed birthday parties. My neighbor would dress up as Spider-Man and come out of the woods to scare everybody.

What’s your favorite color? Least favorite?
Green – specifically Army Green – is my favorite color. My least favorite color is purple. A glowing obnoxious, purple.
What’s the most unusual food combination you’ve ever tried and actually enjoyed?
*Lights up* Hand down – beef jerky and peanut butter. So good; just dunk the jerky stick into the peanut butter jar and enjoy.
If you could be any animal which would you choose?
Hmm, no spiders and definitely not a fish. Probably a dog because everyone loves them – specifically an Australian Shepard. I would also like to see what’s in my dog’s head and communicate with him.
If you could befriend any famous person, who would it be?
Mr. Beast. 1000%. He’s really innovative and always on top of what’s next.
What is a personal goal are you working towards right now?
Finding my path for the future – continuing to grow as a person. Also, traveling to learn about different cultures to continue bettering myself.
Would you rather: Read the book or watch the movie?
Watch the movie – I don’t have time to read the book (chuckles).
“What’s your favorite movie?”
Hot Rod
Who do you look up to the most at NC?
Let’s say Justin Russell – to make him feel good about himself. He’s my analytics counterpart. He keeps his composure really well when things are going haywire. He’s never flustered or caught up in the drama. He keeps his head down and gets the work done.
Anything else you want readers to know?
You can get bitter, or you can get better. Always strive to be your best self.