Name: Dylan Isaac
Title: Analytics Media Analyst
How long have you been a camper here at Net Conversion?
A little over a year now – it’s been a great ride.
Do you have a favorite NC event?
Oh – it’s gotta be the Wekiva Springs retreat we all did last year. I went when I started as an intern, and getting to know everyone I don’t work with every day better was awesome. We played sand volleyball – which was a fun time. Tug of War was a great one too. I also like unplanned, spontaneous events. Bowling or walking around Epcot with my team and our partners. Spur of the moment things are what I really enjoy.
What was your favorite game as a child?
Werewolf – everyone closes their eyes, and someone gets eliminated every round. You go in a circle and try to find out who the werewolf is. We would always play around Christmas time. Someone is a detective and saves one other person. One person is the host, and you say, “Werewolf wake up,” and you try to find out who it is.
Who is your big buddy at Net Conversion?
I had two big buddies when I started. I was in marketing for a month, and my big buddy was Zack Heaney. Now that I’ve transferred to analytics, I have Allen Severson. If I had to go to one person to solve a problem I can’t fix – I would go to Allen.
How do you like to spend your free time?
Lately, I’ve been a gym rat. I’ve been going to a gym closer to my place – which is really nice. I’d say for the past couple of months, I’ve been into that. I’ve also been watching Shark Tank with my friend. Mark Cuban is my favorite shark by far.
“What business idea would you pitch to them?”
I would pitch them a clothing line – probably my own kind of Crocs or Jorts. Maybe even robes for a bathroom line.
What is your favorite scent?
I am big into candles. I LOVE candles. I love minty scents, like eucalyptus. I think I spend too much on them, but they are worth investing in.
Where is the coolest place you’ve visited?
During Christmas time, I went to Mont Tremblant with my family. I learned how to snowboard there; we went for about 5 days. They have a little village, and we stayed in the resort; it was a great time. I had a dessert called a beaver tail there and probably ate too many of them – so good.
Who is your favorite actor?
That’s a tough one, but I have to go with a basic answer – Ryan Reynolds. I could say James Franco or Seth Rogan too. I think it’s their humor that gets me.

What is your favorite sport + sports team?
I played lacrosse in high school and college. I played football for a bit, but I enjoyed lacrosse more. The NFL Chicago Bears are my go-to because that’s where my family is from.
Would you rather get a pet snake or a pet spider?
Awful, both options – I’ll go snake. Spiders… I would lose it and freak out. Maybe I’ll learn to be a snake charmer if I get a pet snake.
If you could change your first name, what would you choose?
Oh man – I was supposed to be named something else instead of Dylan, but I can’t remember. My family’s names all start with the letter D and are 5 letters. Donna, Dreux, Dalas, and Derek. I would have to be renamed something similar to fit in still.
Are you good at keeping secrets?
I feel like if I don’t say yes, I’ll get in trouble. If it’s very serious and someone tells me not to tell, I’ll keep it. If it’s a secret that no one says not to share, that’s not my fault.
What would you never do again?
I went to San Francisco and had to bike across the Golden Gate Bridge. I felt stuck on this giant bridge over the water. There’s a giant drop-off to the left, a narrow sidewalk, and cars on the right. Lots of professional bikers were zipping by us. I just didn’t enjoy it.
What is your favorite color?
I used to hate brown, but it’s really grown on me. I’d say a darker shade of brown that I can match with things. I think Walnut brown is exactly the shade I like.
Anything else you want readers to know?
My lacrosse coach used to say “TTP” – trust the process. We could have been better sophomore year, but he always reminded us of TTP. After I graduated, I saw they just went to regionals, so I guess they trusted the process.